Category: <span>Parcels</span>

RMG have recently issued the attached site plan for the H2 parcel showing all areas that are currently maintained by the factor.

Any area highlighted in green is a communal area within the parcel that is currently maintained by DSMcG. Any areas that are not highlighted in green are private to the homeowner to maintain. The roads, pavement and street lights are under the responsibility of the developer until the road is adopted by the council. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Property Manager, Rebekah Clark at

PDF Version

H2: Persimmon & Charles Church Uncategorized

Further to tonight’s meeting of the Residents Committee we have the final listing of the parcel meetings that have been scheduled over the next few weeks.  Representatives of the Residents Committee will be attending each parcel meeting to give a brief overview of the Committee and our activities to date.

Parcel Meetings Schedule

It has been confirmed by RMG that they have written to residents of parcels that are under their management to invite them to a parcel meeting as per the following schedule:

  • 22/06/2018 – H3       (Taylor Wimpey [Dargavel North])
  • 25/06/2018 – H6       (Cala)
  • 26/06/2018 – H2       (Persimmon /Charles Church) 
  • 29/06/2018 – H4B    (Stewart Milne)
  • 03/07/2018 – H5       (Taylor Wimpey [Dargavel South])
  • 05/07/2018 – E4        (Persimmon [Dargavel South])

The parcel meetings are being held in Bishopton Community Centre at 19:00 with an expected duration of around 1 hour and 30 minutes.

If you live in one of the parcels listed above but have not yet received a letter this may be because you have recently moved into your parcel and RMG have not yet received confirmation from your developer that your plot is now occupied.  We understand that this information is not necessarily passed through to RMG immediately and may be included as part of a periodic update process.  

Parcels Not Listed Above

If you have not yet received a letter regarding your parcel meeting, this is likely to be because your parcel is not yet under the management of RMG.  The RMG representatives who attended tonight’s meeting have advised that until the developers of the relevant parcels (H7 Persimmon and H10 Taylor Wimpey) have handed over part or all of the parcel to RMG for management, they have no power to call a parcel meeting.  Once handover of your parcel has been completed, a parcel meeting will be called in line with the individual deed of conditions applicable to your parcel.  We believe that this is likely to be around 12 months after completion of handover but your deed of conditions will specify the exact process.

In the meantime if you have any queries regarding your parcel or the wider estate, RMG would encourage you to contact them directly by phone (0345 002 4499), email () or via RMG Living’s Webchat or email enquiry form.

We would also encourage residents to contact the Residents Committee directly by email at and we shall be pleased to assist or to direct your query to the property manager as appropriate.

Join the Committee

We are also taking the opportunity to invite residents from each parcel to nominate themselves for election to the Committee.   We would encourage anyone who is interested in joining the Committee to attend their respective parcel meeting and nominate themselves for election.  The hope is that we can appoint up to three representatives from each parcel to ensure we have adequate representation from across the village.



Committee E4: Persimmon H2: Persimmon & Charles Church H3: Taylor Wimpey H4B: Stewart Milne H5: Taylor Wimpey H6: Cala Parcels

A new £10million contract to deliver 80 homes for rent in Bishopton will bring an additional range of community benefits including new job and apprenticeship opportunities.

Read more…

BAE H11: Renfrewshire Council M5: Renfrewshire Council Renfrewshire Council

Dear members,

Dargavel Village Residents Association was established in March 2015 when there were relatively few properties occupied within the entire site. The committee consists of resident volunteers, all of whom have day jobs and fit this commitment into their lives. This can be a challenge with everyone leading such busy lives these days however, we have managed to maintain a core of members who regularly attend the quarterly meetings, affording us a level on continuity in our dealings with the local Police, BAE, RMG and Renfrewshire Council.

The association has not been formalised, as we have never managed to achieve the requisite ratio of members to occupied properties however, we are recognised by all of the above mentioned parties and to that end, we are able to provide a voice for the residents to help deliver and shape the development and facilities that are required to be delivered by BAE under the Planning Conditions for the entire site. These originally included a community centre, school, health centre, playing fields and village centre to name but a few however, these are reviewed and amended by BAE/Renfrewshire Council Planning Dept. throughout the lifetime of the project.

Dargavel Village is steadily growing in size and we are now at a stage where we need to review the committee membership to ensure that we have representation from all of the parcels across the development. To that end and as required within the property deeds for all of us, RMG are in the process of arranging individual Annual General Meetings for each parcel in the next few months. The format and agenda for these meetings has not yet been finalised but we are working with RMG to ensure that there is opportunity for each parcel to put forward 2 or 3 representatives, who will then go on to serve on the committee going forward. Once completed, this process will ensure that the RA committee will be able to represent the majority views of the residents and continue to work with the stakeholders to create a village that we are all proud to live in.

On another matter, there have been some posts across social media recently, highlighting concerns around the billing for both the parcels and the estate as a whole. All residents should have received information from their house builder when purchasing their property, along with information from RMG directly. There is also a fair amount of information on RMG’s website. RMG are however, aware that some residents are not clear on exactly what the charges are for and how these bills are reconciled annually therefore, they are currently looking at options on how to make these bills more transparent and will be in touch with you shortly to advise further. With regards to the forthcoming committee meetings, these are not open meetings as it would not be possible to have everyone in the room, nor do we have the time for everyone to have the chance to be heard. We would therefore request that you make contact through the website and we will take your views forward, until such times as we revise the committee membership.

Through working with BAE and RMG, we have achieved much in the 3 years we have been operating and with the next phase of the development of the association and the committee, we plan to continue to strengthen that relationship for the benefit of our community.

Kind regards

Dargavel Residents Association

Committee E4: Persimmon H1: Persimmon H10: Taylor Wimpey H2: Persimmon & Charles Church H22: Bellway Homes H23 H24 H25 H3: Taylor Wimpey H5: Taylor Wimpey H6: Cala H7: Persimmon H8: Avant Homes H9: Bellway Homes Parcels

H8: Avant Homes Uncategorized

Detailed site plan TW Parcel H10

H10: Taylor Wimpey Plans, Maps & Layouts

H10: Taylor Wimpey

Important information on the future of the Dargavel Development.

There will be a public consultation on the 7th December in the community centre, this will outline plans to re-zone the 3 large industrial plots in Dargavel to Residential, this will add around 1100 more homes to the current plan for 2800.

The timing for the event has now been confirmed as 3pm – 7pm.

Image shows the three parcels H23/H24/H25 that are intended to be re-zoned as residential.

Proposed re-zoning of H23/H24/H25

BAE H23 H24 H25 Plans, Maps & Layouts

Microsoft Word - poster.docx

E4: Persimmon H10: Taylor Wimpey H2: Persimmon & Charles Church H3: Taylor Wimpey H5: Taylor Wimpey H6: Cala Parcels Uncategorized

In addition to the deed for the estate that each resident is signatory to, each developer’s parcel has a separate deed.  Below is the document for Taylor Wimpey (H3):

Deed of Conditions H3 part 2

H3: Taylor Wimpey