Author: <span>Moderator</span>

The minutes of our committee meeting have now been published along with our follow up email to RMG.

As referenced in the meeting minutes, the results from our recent survey have also been collated and the data from this survey has been published alongside the meeting minutes. In addition we have also published our feedback to RMG on what we consider the requirements are for any new property manager appointed to Dargavel.

15 January 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Follow Up

RMG Survey Analysis

DRA Property Manager Requirements

As always, minutes from previous meetings can be downloaded from the Meeting Minutes page

Meeting Minutes

Renfrewshire Council have now launched a consultation with Dargavel residents over:

  • A proposal to establish a new primary school in Dargavel Village on an 8.5 acre site at the north end of Craigton Drive,
  • A catchment review affecting Dargavel Primary School and the proposed new primary school to be built at Dargavel Village. 

The consultation runs until 26 March and includes four information meetings and two public meetings, entry to these sessions is by prior booking only (see link at end of post for more info)

  • Information Session 1 – Wednesday 14 February – 6pm until 9pm 
  • Information Session 2 – Thursday 15 February – 6pm until 9pm  
  • Information Session 3 – Monday 26 February – 6pm until 9pm 
  • Information Session 4 – Thursday 29 February – 6pm until 9pm.
  • Public Meeting 1 – Monday 19 February – 7pm until 9pm  
  • Public Meeting 2 – Tuesday 5 March – 7pm until 9pm.

Further information regarding the consultation and a link to the consultation paper can be found on the RenCo website here: Dargavel school consultation – Renfrewshire Website

Renfrewshire Council Uncategorized

Minutes from the meeting of the Residents Committee held on 26 October 2023 are now online and can be accessed here.

Minutes from previous meetings can be downloaded from the Meeting Minutes page

Meeting Minutes

The image shows one of the proposed bus timetables. We have been asked to provide our thoughts which we can only do with your input.

Please let us know via the Facebook post if you think the bus runs early enough, late enough, often enough etc.

Please add detail to your response so it is constructive.

Thank you


Download a copy of Renfrewshire Council’s publication detailing their winter maintenance and severe weather plan.

Further information available here including location map of RenCo grit bins and RenCo gritting routes



With Dargavel continuing to grow and a number of relatively new parcels now occupied across the estate, we desperately need new parcel representatives to ensure that the whole development is represented and that we can continue to build on the work done to date. 

We are currently a small group of volunteers predominantly from the more established parcels but it would be great to welcome some new members to give us greater resource and who may hopefully also bring new skills and expertise to the table.  Many parcels currently have no representation on the committee but we believe it is important that all parcels have a voice so that they can benefit from the experience gained by the committee to date and feed into the issues that affect us all. 

What does volunteering entail?

The committee generally meets at least quarterly with RMG with regular discussion in the background as things happen over the course of the year.  We are actively engaged with RMG, BAE, Bishopton Community Council and Renfrewshire Council on all matters affecting the Dargavel development and wider Bishopton. 

Our next committee meeting is approaching and it would be great to meet some fellow residents who are willing to spare a little time or expertise to help carry on the work of the committee.  Check out the minutes of previous meetings for more information on the type of issues we are discussing with RMG and other stakeholders – Meeting Minutes – Dargavel Residents Association

Where do I sign up? 

If you’re interested in finding out more please email and we’ll be in touch asap.   

Committee Uncategorized

Minutes from the meeting of the Residents Committee held on 21 August 2021 are now online and can be accessed here:

Minutes – 21/08/2021

Minutes from previous meetings can be downloaded from the Meeting Minutes page

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the meeting of the Residents Committee held on 22 April 2021 are now online and can be accessed here:

Minutes – 22/04/2021

Minutes from previous meetings can be downloaded from the Meeting Minutes page

Meeting Minutes

After a busy few months we thought it would be useful if we compiled an update for residents of what the Residents Committee have been working on over recent months and what lies ahead for 2021. To that end please feel free to download our January 2021 newsletter published both here and on the community facebook group.

Click the image below to download the five page newsletter in pdf format:

Image of first page of RA Newsletter Jan 2021 - Click to download
Published 15/01/2021

Direct download link
