Month: <span>August 2023</span>

With Dargavel continuing to grow and a number of relatively new parcels now occupied across the estate, we desperately need new parcel representatives to ensure that the whole development is represented and that we can continue to build on the work done to date. 

We are currently a small group of volunteers predominantly from the more established parcels but it would be great to welcome some new members to give us greater resource and who may hopefully also bring new skills and expertise to the table.  Many parcels currently have no representation on the committee but we believe it is important that all parcels have a voice so that they can benefit from the experience gained by the committee to date and feed into the issues that affect us all. 

What does volunteering entail?

The committee generally meets at least quarterly with RMG with regular discussion in the background as things happen over the course of the year.  We are actively engaged with RMG, BAE, Bishopton Community Council and Renfrewshire Council on all matters affecting the Dargavel development and wider Bishopton. 

Our next committee meeting is approaching and it would be great to meet some fellow residents who are willing to spare a little time or expertise to help carry on the work of the committee.  Check out the minutes of previous meetings for more information on the type of issues we are discussing with RMG and other stakeholders – Meeting Minutes – Dargavel Residents Association

Where do I sign up? 

If you’re interested in finding out more please email and we’ll be in touch asap.   

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