We have recently been notified that RMG have arranged parcel AGMs for 2019 for the completed parcels with Dargavel. Each meeting will last up to one hour and will be held on the evenings of 28th and 29th October at Ingliston Country Club. These meetings, as required in the deed of conditions for each parcel, will allow RMG to present the budget for 2020 for each parcel and any discuss any current issues within each parcel.
It is important that sufficient residents either attend these meetings or appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf as the parcel deed of conditions state that there must be a majority of residents present for each parcel AGM to be effective. If insufficient residents attend, RMG will require to postpone the meeting and arrange a further date to reconvene in December which will result in additional expense for the residents and of course wasted time for those that do attend. If you haven’t yet responded to RMG using the supplied form please do so now. These can be either posted to RMG or alternatively emailed back to
Parcel AGM Dates
Monday 28 October:
6pm – H6 Cala
7pm – H2 Persimmon/Charles Church (North)
8pm – H3 Taylor Wimpey (North)
Tuesday 29 October
6pm – E4/E4B – Persimmon (South)
7pm – H5 Taylor Wimpey (South)
8pm – H4B Stewart Milne
If your parcel is not listed above it is likely that your parcel is still in the process of construction and not yet handed over in full to RMG for management. As a result there is no obligation to hold an AGM at this stage. RMG confirm that they may hold an informal meeting for the parcels nearing completion in due course (e.g. H1/H7 Persimmon North and H10 Taylow Wimpey).
Election of Parcel Representatives
In addition to the annual budget process, RMG will also hold an election process to allow three parcel representatives to be appointed for each parcel for the year ahead in line with the deed of conditions. These representatives will act for their parcel in terms of dealing with local parcel specific issues and also attend quarterly Committee meetings. At these quarterly Committee meetings, all parcel representatives come together and meet with RMG and occasionally the local community police officers to discuss issues affecting Dargavel village. Our aim as a Committee is to represent all residents of Dargavel and ensure that we hold RMG, the developers and BAE to account for the benefit of all current and future residents of Dargavel.
If you are interested in serving on the Committee or representing your local parcel please do attend your parcel AGM and put your name forward. We will be delighted to welcome some new members to the Committee.