Extract from recent BAE Systems update:
Welcome to our June update. Over the last few weeks we have continued to make good progress on the new road that will eventually connect the phase 2 park and ride carpark, the retail zone and the affordable housing plot with Barrangary Road.
May updates:
- Work to reconstruct the eastern section of Crosshill Road was completed in early May; we would like to thank you for your patience during this time
- Diversion work on the BT fibre cables that currently run along the A8 has begun. The work started on 22 May and is due to last six weeks. These diversions are being carried out to allow the roundabouts for the new M8 junction to be constructed. Information on when the diversion to the Scottish Water mains and the installation of new electrical supplies from Scottish Power will be announced in due course
- At the end of 2017, BAE Systems was once again awarded the ‘Certificate of Performance Beyond Compliance’ from the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) for the fourth consecutive year. The CCS is a non-profit-making, independent organisation. The Scheme monitors the work on-site and measures it against set criteria including care of site appearance, respect for the community, protection of the environment, health and safety, security and valuing the workforce. You will now see CCS logo included on all communications from us in future
- We recently issued the spring issue of the Bishopton programme newsletter, if you did not receive a copy then please let us know by ringing our Freephone number 0800 130 3302
- Residents may have seen media reports regarding Crummock Construction Ltd being placed in receivership. We would like to reassure residents that we have taken steps to ensure that any disruption to ongoing construction projects is kept to a minimum.