Month: <span>June 2018</span>

Extract from recent BAE Systems update:

Welcome to our June update. Over the last few weeks we have continued to make good progress on the new road that will eventually connect the phase 2 park and ride carpark, the retail zone and the affordable housing plot with Barrangary Road.

May updates:

  • Work to reconstruct the eastern section of Crosshill Road was completed in early May; we would like to thank you for your patience during this time
  • Diversion work on the BT fibre cables that currently run along the A8 has begun. The work started on 22 May and is due to last six weeks. These diversions are being carried out to allow the roundabouts for the new M8 junction to be constructed. Information on when the diversion to the Scottish Water mains and the installation of new electrical supplies from Scottish Power will be announced in due course
  • At the end of 2017, BAE Systems was once again awarded the ‘Certificate of Performance Beyond Compliance’ from the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) for the fourth consecutive year. The CCS is a non-profit-making, independent organisation. The Scheme monitors the work on-site and measures it against set criteria including care of site appearance, respect for the community, protection of the environment, health and safety, security and valuing the workforce. You will now see CCS logo included on all communications from us in future
  • We recently issued the spring issue of the Bishopton programme newsletter, if you did not receive a copy then please let us know by ringing our Freephone number 0800 130 3302
  • Residents may have seen media reports regarding Crummock Construction Ltd being placed in receivership. We would like to reassure residents that we have taken steps to ensure that any disruption to ongoing construction projects is kept to a minimum.


Further to tonight’s meeting of the Residents Committee we have the final listing of the parcel meetings that have been scheduled over the next few weeks.  Representatives of the Residents Committee will be attending each parcel meeting to give a brief overview of the Committee and our activities to date.

Parcel Meetings Schedule

It has been confirmed by RMG that they have written to residents of parcels that are under their management to invite them to a parcel meeting as per the following schedule:

  • 22/06/2018 – H3       (Taylor Wimpey [Dargavel North])
  • 25/06/2018 – H6       (Cala)
  • 26/06/2018 – H2       (Persimmon /Charles Church) 
  • 29/06/2018 – H4B    (Stewart Milne)
  • 03/07/2018 – H5       (Taylor Wimpey [Dargavel South])
  • 05/07/2018 – E4        (Persimmon [Dargavel South])

The parcel meetings are being held in Bishopton Community Centre at 19:00 with an expected duration of around 1 hour and 30 minutes.

If you live in one of the parcels listed above but have not yet received a letter this may be because you have recently moved into your parcel and RMG have not yet received confirmation from your developer that your plot is now occupied.  We understand that this information is not necessarily passed through to RMG immediately and may be included as part of a periodic update process.  

Parcels Not Listed Above

If you have not yet received a letter regarding your parcel meeting, this is likely to be because your parcel is not yet under the management of RMG.  The RMG representatives who attended tonight’s meeting have advised that until the developers of the relevant parcels (H7 Persimmon and H10 Taylor Wimpey) have handed over part or all of the parcel to RMG for management, they have no power to call a parcel meeting.  Once handover of your parcel has been completed, a parcel meeting will be called in line with the individual deed of conditions applicable to your parcel.  We believe that this is likely to be around 12 months after completion of handover but your deed of conditions will specify the exact process.

In the meantime if you have any queries regarding your parcel or the wider estate, RMG would encourage you to contact them directly by phone (0345 002 4499), email () or via RMG Living’s Webchat or email enquiry form.

We would also encourage residents to contact the Residents Committee directly by email at and we shall be pleased to assist or to direct your query to the property manager as appropriate.

Join the Committee

We are also taking the opportunity to invite residents from each parcel to nominate themselves for election to the Committee.   We would encourage anyone who is interested in joining the Committee to attend their respective parcel meeting and nominate themselves for election.  The hope is that we can appoint up to three representatives from each parcel to ensure we have adequate representation from across the village.



Committee E4: Persimmon H2: Persimmon & Charles Church H3: Taylor Wimpey H4B: Stewart Milne H5: Taylor Wimpey H6: Cala Parcels

A new £10million contract to deliver 80 homes for rent in Bishopton will bring an additional range of community benefits including new job and apprenticeship opportunities.

Read more…

BAE H11: Renfrewshire Council M5: Renfrewshire Council Renfrewshire Council

Over the past few weeks there have been reports from across the Dargavel development with regards to occasional loss of water pressure.  One of our Committee members contacted Scottish Water and requested that they test the water pressure as we were fairly certain it was an issue within the overall supply to the development rather than a problem specific to an individual developer.

Scottish Water installed a water logger on one of the hydrants within the village and after a week’s testing this came back positive for a problem.  After testing the infrastructure within the estate they were unable to identify any particular issues within Dargavel but the problem was traced to a defective pressure reducing valve at the connection to the main supply at Old Greenock Road.  This has now been replaced and after further testing Scottish Water are satisfied that the water pressure is now back to normal and we should not suffer any further outages/low pressure.

