Minutes from our recent committee meeting have now been published and are available here:
Month: <span>August 2017</span>
RESIDENTS in Bishopton are fuming after learning land intended for industrial use could instead be used for more than 1,300 new homes.
The Gazette – 23/08/2017
Applications submitted to deliver additional 1,350 homes… Read more…
BT have now issued a quote for the upgrade to cabinet 5 to enable fibre broadband for Dargavel North as posted by Mairi Jackson on the facebook group. The crowdfunding page to allow this to happen is now live and we have until 31 August to raise the funding to allow the cabinet upgrade to proceed.
Further information is available on the facebook group if necessary.
Mairi has helpfully put together a spreadsheet of all the properties served by cabinet 5, this can be viewed by clicking the following link:
To pledge your £50 contribution towards the upgrade please visit the crowdfunding page by clicking the image below:
Thanks to Mairi Jackson for all her hard work on behalf of the residents who are served by cabinet 5.